If you attended Grow for God, you most likely saw Aaron moving around in the background. We met through the church where we held the conference and where Aaron Davis is the Pastoral Director.
I invited him to be on the podcast because he is such a God-lead man full of the Holy Spirit. Today we talked about the healing power of Jesus Christ and our ability and authority to stand in the fullness of that power. Aaron also talks about his book, Quantum Christianity, and the depths of his own story connected to his passion for bringing the Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.
I hope you guys enjoy and I know it’s going to bless you. Make sure your eyes are open and your ears are open to the healing power of what’s happening in your life right this moment.
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Aaron Davis, also known as the Tattooed Preacher (@TattooPreacher on social networks), is an ordained minister of twenty-five+ years, the Pastoral Director at Citipointe Church in Nashville, and the author of 2 best selling books, Quantum Christianity: Discovering the Science of Scripture, Uncovering the Mysteries of Faith & Limitless: You Can Experience the Freedom, Power and Potential You Were Created For. With a passion for healing and spiritual freedom, Pastor Aaron has dedicated his life to serving God in multiple capacities over the course of his ministry career as a youth pastor, an associate pastor, an online campus pastor, an executive pastor, a traveling evangelist, a street evangelist, a church elder, a worship leader, and a worship pastor. He has worked with people from all walks of life from the homeless to celebrities.
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Speaker 1 (00:00:00) – Completely blown away by brotherhood and the family unit that God has created in the kingdom if our eyes are open to it. And to know that the first impression isn’t the lasting impression when you actually take time to get to know someone. Today’s incredible guest, Aaron Davis, has blessed my life in more ways than I can probably ever thank him for. He’s been revealing to me in the moments of what could have perceivingly been chaos of a conference and all the things that are happening.
Speaker 1 (00:00:32) – But I felt the weight of God’s glory in this place, in the church in which I met him. And I was revealed to the healing power of Christ and our ability and authority to stand in the fullness of that power. He talks about quantum Christianity and the depths of his own story connected to his passion for bringing kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. That’s what they say anyway, right? Let’s experience a little bit of kingdom in this conversation. I hope you guys enjoy and I know it’s going to bless you.
Speaker 1 (00:01:02) – Make sure your eyes are open and your ears are open to the healing power of what’s happening in your life right now.
Speaker 2 (00:01:31) – So I’m ecstatic you walked into this hypothetical gym today. I’m your trainer, Tamara Andress, also coined an entrepreneurial rabbi, teaching the pursuits of God, which unveil our purpose and ultimately unleash our desired provision. This fit acronym is for founders, innovators and trailblazers. Here, marketplace ministers conversate and educate to build others from the inside out while also sharing their testimonies of endurance.
Speaker 2 (00:01:56) – So while it’s not a fitness broadcast, I do surely care about your mental, physical, emotional, relational, financial and spiritual health. You’re going to hear all about it. If you’re passionate about your becoming journey, leading others to greatness and living a life of abundance and joy, then you’re well on your way to being fit in faith. Let’s hydrate.
Speaker 3 (00:02:19) – Oh, man, oh, man, you guys are in for a treat today.
Speaker 4 (00:02:24) – I am on a Holy Spirit high and I’m about to introduce to you a brother from another mother, Aaron Davis, the tattooed preacher, a best selling author. He is, oh, my heavens, ordained in so many beautiful ways and called to just equip the church in such a beautiful way that he probably doesn’t even fully know. And yet he’s already been equipping me. And so I know that he’s within his purpose and Aaron has blessed my life in such a short period of time through his books, through his wisdom, through his servant heart.
Speaker 4 (00:02:57) – And y’all are about to get a taste of some SWAT team, Jesus SWAT team reality.
Speaker 3 (00:03:04) – Are you ready for it? Aaron, thank you for being with me today, brother.
Speaker 5 (00:03:08) – I’m stoked for being here. Thank you. You’re going to get some Jesus SWAT team.
Speaker 3 (00:03:13) – We need it.
Speaker 4 (00:03:14) – We need some warriors to really be ignited and equipped and realizing what it is that they’re experiencing. Like, I just feel even just in this moment, the weight of his glory and the goodness connected to that. And people often, I think, associate glory to like a heaviness that is hard.
Speaker 3 (00:03:35) – And when you know Jesus, it’s so different than that.
Speaker 4 (00:03:38) – And it’s been really amazing to sit in his glory alongside you, even through the conference of what we experienced last year in Nashville together. And I think what people are experiencing now in this season is change of the political climate, the educational climate. There’s there’s a lot of heaviness. And yet his glory is not the same.
Speaker 5 (00:04:00) – Yeah, no, God’s definitely doing some amazing things. And, you know, we’re seeing it here in Nashville. We’ve seen it even in some conversations that you and I have had since the conference here. And I’m just confident that I’m looking forward to today’s broadcast. It’s going to be good.
Speaker 3 (00:04:17) – It really is.
Speaker 4 (00:04:18) – And Aaron, I think I want to share this story with people, because not everyone in my community has heard it. But those who are like really close to me from a family perspective have. It was amazing watching you operate in your anointing at the church. And we had almost like six or seven months together as we were like building out all of the details.
Speaker 3 (00:04:39) – Right.
Speaker 4 (00:04:39) – And I think every encounter we had, though, there was like some fun synergy and fun conversation and connectivity. And I always reminded you of someone that you knew. And it was like this good like friendship was being built. And we weren’t really putting the attention towards what was God doing? At least I wasn’t.
Speaker 4 (00:04:57) – And we came together at that conference and there’s so many details when you’re putting something together like that. And there’s so many moving pieces and you were moving tables and chairs and brooms and all of the things to make it come together. And ultimately it was that final moment where I got to spend with you where we were not even a part of the conference anymore. We were just praying over that woman on Sunday after the conference had already ended and it was just it was church, right?
Speaker 4 (00:05:25) – And you had so many encounters with people throughout the weekend. But it made me realize more and more that the things that I always try to put together because it’s in my natural tendencies as a planner, as an achiever to like dot the I’s and cross the T’s. The God’s like, that’s really nice Tamara, but that’s not really my intention. I’m trying to introduce you to someone who you need to know. He was a part of the body of Christ that is going to teach you something.
Speaker 4 (00:05:52) – And you taught me so much that weekend and I’m just so grateful for your spirit and your humility and your story.
Speaker 6 (00:06:00) – You know, just a quick side note, that lady that we prayed for, if you recall, she couldn’t talk.
Speaker 3 (00:06:05) – Yes. Come on. I want to hear the testimony.
Speaker 6 (00:06:08) – God healed her. Within days of us praying for her, her voice, she was supposed to be having surgery and all kinds of stuff. And God just miraculously healed her.
Speaker 3 (00:06:22) – I have been waiting to hear this testimony for months. Literally, I’ve thought about her so many times. I’ve prayed about her. Gosh, I can just get emotional because I just remember like the surrender that we have connected to God’s power.
Speaker 4 (00:06:39) – He doesn’t want us to know the details. He doesn’t need us to know the details.
Speaker 3 (00:06:44) – Like that’s his job and we can get so wrapped up into the outcome of stories, into the outcome of situations.
Speaker 4 (00:06:53) – And I know I can because I like I desire knowing that it worked, like knowing that he worked.
Speaker 3 (00:07:01) – Like I want to witness to that. And the fact that you shared that, like that’s such a gift to me in so many ways, because from that moment I went on a deep dive and I’m still in the midst of it.
Speaker 4 (00:07:13) – But God just revealed something yesterday morning that was the unlock to this deep dive of like, what is healing and how do we gain access to what healing is and what is God and how does God want to reveal himself through healing? And that’s why I immediately started reading one of your books. And y’all, he’s an author of incredible, incredible books. The first one that I’ve gotten into is Quantum Christianity. And it sounds really scientific and it’s why I like it.
Speaker 4 (00:07:43) – It sounds a little bit worldly because you hear about quantum physics and then you put Christianity in there and you’re like, what is this? Can you share a bit about your testimony and the revelations associated to your journey as an author? And God, I think it’s going to help people understand the power of healing connected to what it is that you do.
Speaker 6 (00:08:04) – Sure. Well, you know, you brought up Quantum Christianity and the subtitle of Quantum Christianity is Believe Again. And discovering the science of scripture, uncovering the mysteries of faith, that really is the passion. I started out on this whole journey of writing this book better than a decade ago now. It took me four years of just developing content to write the book before I even sat down to write it. But I was going through a season where, you know, at this point in my life, I pray for people all the time and they get healed.
Speaker 6 (00:08:36) – You know, I mean, it’s a very common thing for me. But at the time, whenever I started on that journey, it wasn’t. I was very frustrated because I knew that the Bible said that there was more to this experience that we’re supposed to be having, this God experience. And if God is real and Jesus said, greater things will you do because I go to the Father. And, you know, and I see the examples of how He taught the disciples and even reprimanded the disciples whenever they went to pray for somebody and they didn’t get healed.
Speaker 6 (00:09:03) – And He said, How long am I going to be with you? And these are all things I talk about in the book. But I could see that there was something that Jesus was conveying in the Bible that I was not experiencing. And I wasn’t content to have a secondhand experience with the first hand God. And so, you know, I just I said, God, I know this is this is real and I know you intend for more for your people. So I had got to know either this is real or it’s not. You have got to show me.
Speaker 6 (00:09:30) – And it took me on this deep dive where, you know, I mean, I was praying for people and nothing was happening. And then through a series of really kind of crazy events over the course of several months, the Holy Spirit began to just show me some things and lay on my heart. And it was like I call it connecting the dots because one thing I had no intention of writing a book when it all started. I was documenting my journey at the very beginning and just trying to put ends together and trying to figure this stuff out and had nobody to teach me.
Speaker 6 (00:10:01) – I didn’t have any relationship with anybody who understood healing. And the only people that I did have were taking my call.
Speaker 5 (00:10:07) – I’m not kidding. It was horrible! And so, you know, I’m like, God, what am I doing? But one dot after another, one question answered after another question presented, and each one coming together in about several months into just documenting this journey, I felt like I was supposed to be writing something about it. And so, Quantum Christianity really was that deep dive where I learned the depths of covenant and what it means to have a covenant relationship with God through Christ, to understand what His grace has actually entitled us to.
Speaker 5 (00:10:44) – It helped me to understand who I was and who I wasn’t. So many times, you know, I was 35 years old in ministry for 20 years at that time. I started preaching on the streets of Detroit when I was 14 years old. And I was still, you know, you hear the scripture that, you know, it’s not by works, so no one can boast. Right, right, right, right. Saved by grace through faith, not yourself. It’s a gift of God. It’s not by works, lest anyone should boast. And yet, I could quote that scripture.
Speaker 5 (00:11:16) – I’ve preached it God knows how many times, but I still lived as though my holiness was contingent upon what I did and did not do. Come on. And I lived, and really this is a total sidetrack, but when Paul talks in Romans about the law producing sin in our lives, I believe this is the root of it. This is the source of it, is that we’re trying to live by the law and be justified by the law and we can’t. And as a result, we’re not trusting in the grace of God.
Speaker 5 (00:11:46) – And it’s only in trusting in that grace that we actually are set free from the weight and the persecution and the sin that’s attached to the law. That’s so crazy. But anyway, quantum Christianity is all of that.
Speaker 4 (00:11:58) – It’s so good. Well, and literally just this morning, Anthony, Pastor Anthony, who you had an opportunity to meet, the bearded wonder, you’re the tattooed preacher, he’s the bearded preacher. And he shared this idea that everyone now is going into this idea of spirituality, which I relate it to this idea of quantum. They understand energy, they’re trying to understand frequency, they’re trying to get to this meditative, manifested experience. And the Old Testament speaks to religion, right?
Speaker 4 (00:12:28) – And it speaks to like, you have to check this box and you have to do this thing. And after you sacrifice this way and you build this idea, this covenant will then create this love and then you’ll have all of God’s sovereignty because you’re now righteous. And he said this morning, he said, it’s not spirituality and it’s not religion. It’s both ends. And it’s this all encompassing understanding of the Old Testament and the New Testament, which puts you into this place of salvation. And obedience and discipline are things that people don’t want.
Speaker 4 (00:13:01) – Long suffering, we don’t want that fruit. Patience, we don’t want that fruit. We want to experience the miraculous. We want to have this adrenaline-oriented, Jesus-loving experience. And yet we’re not willing to do what it takes to get there. And yet, simultaneous, getting there can be like this, right? Getting there just looks like a moment of surrender. Getting there just looks like falling on your face and understanding what the blood of Jesus is about.
Speaker 4 (00:13:29) – And so in this four-year experience for you and understanding what quantum Christianity is and the power connected to that, how do other people get to that place? What does it look like?
Speaker 5 (00:13:43) – Connecting the dots. It’s one step at a time. It’s seeking first. If you read Matthew 6, 33, I was reading it this morning in the Passion translation, and it’s talking about when you seek first the kingdom of God and right standing with Him, then that’s when everything else is added. But it comes first in seeking first His and the kingdom. When you break down the word kingdom, it’s God’s way of being and doing. And so if you’re seeking first God’s way of being and doing, then everything else will be added.
Speaker 5 (00:14:27) – And so I spent so much time seeking God’s way of being and doing in my own power, not through the grace of God. I was 35 years old as a pastor of so many years, still struggling with the same sins that I struggled with when I was 18. And it shouldn’t have been that way. You know, it’s like, on my face, God, I messed up again. When am I going to learn this thing? And the problem was, there’s nothing wrong with the discipline, as you were just talking about. There’s nothing wrong with the law. You know, Jesus came to fulfill the law.
Speaker 5 (00:15:04) – But the problem was, I was trusting in my disciplines. I was trusting in the guardrails that I placed. You know, well, if I don’t do this, and I do this, and I do this, and I make sure that all these things are in place, then if I lose control, I won’t go over the cliff. But the problem is, to quote the old cliché and the song, Jesus Take the Wheel, I wasn’t submitting my life to His grace.
Speaker 5 (00:15:30) – I was doing everything that I knew to do except seeking first God’s way of doing and being, which is resting in His grace, to recognize that He’s the one who empowers me to have the—any power that I have over sin is not in my own power. It’s in His blood. My righteousness is as filthy rags in the sight of a holy God. And so I don’t get that by being good. Jesus didn’t become sin by doing sin. I don’t become righteousness by doing righteousness. I am the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. And I can’t boast in that.
Speaker 5 (00:16:10) – And it’s crazy, Tamara, because as soon as I submitted to that grace stand, as soon as I recognized that I’m going about this the wrong way, I’m putting the cart before the horse, as soon as I realized that I needed to find my strength in His grace, as soon as I acknowledged truthfully, not from a head place, but from a heart place, for years I knew that I was saved by grace through faith. It wasn’t of me.
Speaker 5 (00:16:35) – I knew, quote unquote, but I wasn’t experiencing it because in my mind I was still justified by everything that I was doing and not by the finished work of the cross. And I’m telling you, there was something that clicked in me, and as soon as it did, those things that used to have power over me, overnight, Tamara, I’m not kidding, overnight, didn’t have the power that it used to have. It was a miraculous thing.
Speaker 4 (00:17:01) – If y’all aren’t taking notes and just sitting in this moment with us, I need you to start over. If you’re listening to the podcast, if you’re live, you can’t start over. But if you’re listening to the podcast, start over, because these were things that took Erin and myself decades to learn, decades to learn. For me, it’s been something that’s been a constant pursuit over the last seven years. And it was after the conference, Erin, that I sat in the living room with the, I call them the family founders, the people who were a part of the first movement.
Speaker 4 (00:17:36) – They were a part of my salvation story, truthfully, and a part of the evolution ever since then. God has equipped you. He’s equipped you with an army around you. And if that army is not connected to Him, then let’s get a new army. We’re here for you. Let’s hang out. But He equipped me with an army, with people, with the body of Christ before I knew I was going to need them. And there was these two people that just actually got engaged at the conference, who have since been married, that were sitting in their always quiet. Watch out for the quiet ones.
Speaker 4 (00:18:11) – Okay? Erin was a quiet one at this conference until he wasn’t. And then he’s really loud and I love him so much for it. But they’re the quiet ones that are always sitting in the corner. And yet I know that they have weapons that I haven’t quite understood, one of which was this power of understanding of the power of Christ associated to healing, connected to the angelic, connected to the glory. And they convicted me in this moment.
Speaker 4 (00:18:40) – They said, Tamara, you’ve been on this pursuit of understanding God’s glory, and I need you to hold space for what God is trying to teach you after this weekend. You said, I want you to stand in the mirror and I want you to listen to this glory song over and over until you can understand that the glory that you’re looking for on the outside actually dwells in you, that you are glory. And you said this, you said, I am the righteousness of God. And I had never understood that until I did this activity.
Speaker 4 (00:19:16) – And the same thing unlocked in me yesterday morning when a pastor by the name of Curry Blake, who has a global healing ministry, he told me in a service that I was not connected to, I was just like a fly on the wall in something he trained people up in through the same two people, that same couple who gifted me this drive. I keep calling it the drive because it sounds really mysterious and that’s exactly what it is. It’s super mysterious to me. And I was just like, I’m so blessed with healing, this understanding of what healing is.
Speaker 4 (00:19:47) – He said, you’ll never understand the process of becoming until you be, because be is the part of become, right?
Speaker 4 (00:20:00) – on the king. The king is the precursor of that. The being, not the doing. The doing comes after you be. And the healing comes after you’ve been healed. When you’ve had a relationship with the one who is healing you, he then operates out of you because of the glory, because of the righteousness. Not because of anything that we did, but because of what he’s done, kingdom will be. And so, I am like mind blown. I’m like so grateful. I’m emotional. I’m a big baby. And you operate from this well every single day because of that knowledge.
Speaker 4 (00:20:38) – And I think for the listeners who are seeking out something more in Christ, there’s more to the story. And yet there’s not really.
Speaker 6 (00:20:51) – We make it so complicated, Tamara. And that’s the thing is we approach God in faith for our salvation. Like everybody believes that we’re saved by faith. But then everything else after that they think somehow is connected to works. They try to make things happen. And faith really, I mean, we’ve all been given a measure of faith. I’ve had people come, matter of fact, we may have even had the conversation whenever you were here talking about measures of faith and gifts of faith because people think, well, they’ve got a gift of healing.
Speaker 6 (00:21:25) – They’ve got a gift of faith. No? Yes. The Bible says that each of us has been given a measure of faith. And the Bible also says that it just takes the faith of a mustard seed to move mountains. So while there are people who have gifts of healing and gifts of faith, every one of us has been given a measure that’s big enough to move the mountain. And we need to realize that the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives inside of you and I. We carry heaven into every place we see hell in the earth if we’re believers.
Speaker 6 (00:21:56) – But we’ve got to realize that we approach everything through the lens of faith, just like we believed God for the impossible to save us. Like, I mean, what an abstract thought that we can approach God and we can ask and He hears us and then He actually answers our prayer and saves us from an eternity of darkness, transforms us, creates a metamorphosis, taking us from darkness to light. We believe God for something so wild as that. But then after that, everything else, we almost feel like there’s a formula. Well, we must do this and we have to.
Speaker 6 (00:22:33) – And I used to ask God, what’s the formula? Like, I pray for this person and this person gets healed and then the next person doesn’t. And so I start going through scriptures and I start going through scriptures and I look at all the miracles that Jesus did and I realize that Jesus never performed the same miracle the same way twice. And I realize there’s no formula. The formula is there is no formula and you ask the Holy Spirit in that moment, what do I need to do?
Speaker 6 (00:22:55) – We were praying for a friend of yours and I stopped for a minute while we were praying during that moment. I said, Holy Spirit, is there something that I need to see that I just don’t know? And I was instructing the crowd that was with us because there were several people that I don’t know what they believe or how they function or whether or not they understand anything about healing. And so when I took a step back, I said, I’m asking God for some instruction and some clarity right now, because I don’t know what to do next.
Speaker 6 (00:23:17) – And I don’t want to go by the formula. I’ve watched and studied the healing evangelists and the revivalists and all of those for many, many years. I’ve studied them. I know what they did, but they were functioning in their calling in that moment. And but if Jesus didn’t do anything the same way twice, then why do I think there’s a formula for Aaron? The formula is to seek first God’s way of doing it. And so I a lot of times, Tamara, whenever I prayed for the sick, I close my eyes and I say, God, is there anything that I need to see?
Speaker 6 (00:23:50) – And I wait for a picture. Sometimes that picture shows me something that’s out of alignment in their life that could be holding them back, creating weeds. I asked one woman one time, we prayed for several times and I was frustrated because we weren’t seeing anything. And I took a step back and I said, Holy Spirit, is there anything that I’m not seeing? Like, what is this? And I looked at her and I said, ma’am, I just, I felt a huge feeling that she was really holding a bitterness and an unforgiveness in her.
Speaker 6 (00:24:15) – And I said, ma’am, do you have unforgiveness against somebody on a significant level in your life? She just went, fell down, like in the floor weeping. After she got rid of that, we prayed and she was healed. It was crazy. And now I don’t think that that’s even a formula. I don’t think, well, maybe somebody’s got to understand.
Speaker 4 (00:24:34) – Right, right, right.
Speaker 6 (00:24:34) – In that moment, there was a thing that was standing in the way. And I asked the Holy Spirit what that was and He showed me and we were able to actually see deliverance. But the truth is, Tamara, we’ve got to believe, we’ve got to understand that when Jesus said, greater things shall you do because I’m going to the Father. Step one, ground floor, the foundation, we have to realize.
Speaker 1 (00:27:26) – and then actually doing it are massively different things. And so I think a majority of the church is in this place of stagnation, as was I, to say, oh, I haven’t been given that gift yet, and therefore I’m not the best person to pray or lay hands, but I’ve done it to my kids. I’ve actually laid hands on myself, really yearning for myself to be healed. And it’s, again, not my hands, it’s God working through that little bit of faith.
Speaker 1 (00:27:57) – And what you said was really profound, and I think people need to unpack it a little bit more, is not everyone, it’s not 100% success rate, not everyone gets healed. This is biblically true as well. There are many things in the Bible that people wanted that didn’t actually happen, and that doesn’t mean that Jesus, Him or Christ, wasn’t actually providing a solution in that moment. And so talk to us about that process, and how do you process it, how do the people process it when they’re in that place of not receiving what would be a physical healing?
Speaker 1 (00:28:30) – We’ll talk physical because there’s surely spiritual healings too.
Speaker 6 (00:28:34) – We’re treading on something that has the potential to be offensive. And so I want to- I like to ruffle feathers. Yeah, I just want to prepare you to prepare your heart for it because some of the things that I’m going to say, if you take it as an absolute at face value, you could find condemnation somewhere or offense in it. And if you do, then you’re not hearing the spirit of what I’m saying. And so I just, I want to encourage you to really think outside of the box of offense right now as I start to share a little bit of what I’m about to share.
Speaker 6 (00:29:11) – The Bible says that you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free or shall make you free. It starts with knowing the truth. I believe that it is always God’s will to heal. I believe it always is. I believe He wants all of us to walk in divine health. I believe He wants I believe He wants all of us to prosper and be in good health, even as our soul prospers. I believe that the enemy comes to steal and to kill and to destroy. I believe that there are a lot of things that can keep healing from being manifested that have nothing to do with God.
Speaker 6 (00:29:56) – We see it in the example of the disciples, and I referenced it for a moment earlier. I didn’t know I was going to come back to it. But Jesus sends his disciples out to pray for the sick, and they come back after a demon-possessed boy. His dad has brought them to the disciples, and they couldn’t cast the demon out. Now the demon was subject to the authority of the disciples. He was. Jesus got frustrated when they prayed and nothing happened, and he said, You have little faith. How long am I going to be with you?
Speaker 6 (00:30:31) – Now the issue here, the thing that’s so great about this scripture, is that they didn’t let it rest. They asked the question, why? And I believe that it’s in the pursuit of why that we most often will find our answers instead of just rationalizing things through the lens of, well, God is sovereign, whatever will be.
Speaker 5 (00:30:55) – That to me, and I’m sorry if you have, because a lot of people have experienced some really difficult times in their lives, and they’ve processed their pain through the lens of that experience in order to save faith.
Speaker 6 (00:31:09) – They’re trying not to lose faith.
Speaker 5 (00:31:11) – And I realize trauma has some serious issues, but you’ve got to realize you cannot rewrite your theology to accommodate your tragedy. Come on. And that’s an issue that so many people will do is they’ll rewrite theology. You’ll hear pastors of the pastors that start out praying for the sick, and then all of a sudden they pray for somebody and they die, and they don’t understand.
Speaker 5 (00:31:33) – And in order to offer feeling like they have to offer some sort of an excuse for God, they’ll comfort the family by saying it must just be God’s will, or that he just needed them in heaven or whatever else, which has no biblical substantiation.
Speaker 6 (00:31:47) – There’s no theological substantiation for what they’re saying.
Speaker 5 (00:31:49) – And yet they’re trying to rewrite something in order to save faith in that moment. But what they’re not realizing is that there is a very huge elephant in the room that has to be pursued.
Speaker 6 (00:32:00) – There is a I must understand why in order to make it toward this thing, because the enemy is a defeated foe.
Speaker 5 (00:32:08) – According to the scripture, the devil is under our feet. And so when he wins, and he’s not supposed to, then something’s not right. And if we don’t ask why, then we’ll never know. So we have to ask why. And the disciples, what they did is they went to Jesus and they asked later, they said, they said, Why? Like what happened? Why couldn’t we like they fully expected because they were seeing the miracles, they were seeing these amazing things that were taking place. They fully expected that when they prayed for that boy, he was going to be healed.
Speaker 5 (00:32:37) – And he threw himself in the floor and started to convulse whenever they prayed for him. Now Jesus answered the question why he said because of your unbelief. Now when did the unbelief come in?
Speaker 6 (00:32:48) – We got to go back to the beginning of that scripture.
Speaker 5 (00:32:50) – I personally believe people think that they’re saying, well, this demon only comes out by prayer and fasting because Jesus comes back and he says, that kind only comes out by prayer and fasting. But he’s not talking about the demon at that point. I don’t believe. I believe he’s talking about the unbelief. And I believe that unbelief only comes out by prayer and fasting. What happened is the enemy in that moment immediately manifested in a way that caused the disciples to question their previous experiences. The demon threw the kid in the floor.
Speaker 6 (00:33:21) – It caused them to step back and be like, well, this is not what we expected. We expected this thing to come out like it did every other time. But when Jesus did it or when we prayed for the sick and they got better and this kid actually had a fit.
Speaker 5 (00:33:32) – So we prayed for him some more and nothing else came out. They at that point, their faith had been challenged by the circumstances which created unbelief. And Jesus tells his disciples that kind of unbelief only comes out by prayer and fasting. And so that is the answer.
Speaker 6 (00:33:50) – Now, I’ve heard it preached, I can’t tell you how many different ways, Tamara, that they were talking about the demon.
Speaker 5 (00:33:55) – But there is no scripture in the entire Bible that substantiates that claim that the name of Jesus is not above every demonic name. That’s what they justify it as.
Speaker 6 (00:34:10) – We’re getting real deep now here.
Speaker 4 (00:34:12) – No, it’s so rich. It’s so good.
Speaker 6 (00:34:14) – There has to be at least two examples in scripture for you to be able to compare them to in order for something to be doctrinally sound. To say that a demon was not subject to the name of Jesus unless you were praying and fasting, it has no doctrinal substantiation outside of that one scripture, which is often misinterpreted when Jesus is talking about that it only comes out by prayer and fasting. The unbelief only comes out by prayer and fasting. Not the demon. The demon was subject to the name of Jesus.
Speaker 6 (00:34:40) – It’s just that unbelief stepped in, faith stepped out. I personally believe that. A lot of the studies that I’ve done, a lot of theologians that I’ve studied under would agree.
Speaker 4 (00:34:50) – That’s so incredible. You talked about it from a lens of healing. You talked about it from the lens of casting out. And it ultimately goes back to our flesh trying to formulate, which is what you said at the beginning. There’s no formula. We’re trying to formulate. So I did that thing. I did that thing. And this guy still happens, so it must not be God’s will. And that’s where we’re inserting that religiosity. We’re inserting that, like, let me just blanket this and it can just stay as is. And then we’re not actually confronting the enemy.
Speaker 4 (00:35:23) – We’re not actually confronting or standing soundly on who he says that he is in that moment. And so I think that it’s so incredibly powerful for us to, one, know two things. When the disciples went back and asked the question why, Jesus did answer.
Speaker 4 (00:35:41) – And so if we stay in that spirit of humility and that spirit of correction and that spirit of surrender and things don’t go according to plan, however that looks like from us, and that could be very naturally or that could be spiritually when it comes to healing and casting out of demons and all these other things, that God is so sovereign that He will respond and correct and convict and call us higher into our faith and call us higher into that experience with Him. And He wants to teach us.
Speaker 4 (00:36:10) – And secondly is we as a body of Christ have to have these conversations more regularly and more vocally so that people don’t stand in that space of stamping it with like a good news statement. Because those little scriptures and quotes and things, they can put us in such a box of experiencing Jesus when Jesus is like, I am so much bigger than that one out of context pulled scripture that you’re trying to label me as.
Speaker 6 (00:36:40) – Yeah. So a little bit more on that and maybe to set some people free who are experiencing some condemnation right now, 2022 was a year of extreme battle for me in my own health.
Speaker 5 (00:36:58) – I still am warring for divine health as it pertains to things that I have struggled with.
Speaker 6 (00:37:07) – Now, I don’t question the symptoms. I just question, I don’t challenge the symptoms. I know I have symptoms. I challenge that it’s right. From a biblical standpoint, I challenge that it’s proper, that it has authority, that it has a right to be in my life. And I continue to contend from that perspective of faith, recognizing that I am not walking in all that Christ has provided for me, but I’m not content to stay there. And I think that that’s where my dad said something years ago to me, and it really ignites tenacity in me.
Speaker 6 (00:37:51) – My dad has struggled with some health issues most of his life. And he said, you need to understand something, son. If I die from this, it does not change the fact that God is my healer. And what he was confronting is that maybe there’s something that he’s missing. Maybe there’s something that we don’t understand.
Speaker 5 (00:38:16) – Maybe something as the body of Christ that we are not functioning in as a whole, that is allowing things to function in a way that’s beneath the intention and the intended work that Christ has provided for us. Maybe there’s some things that we need to know. Maybe there’s some why questions.
Speaker 6 (00:38:32) – Maybe there’s some prayers and fast things that need to be taking place in order for us to confront that thing that continues to defy the word of the Lord.
Speaker 5 (00:38:42) – But like David, if I go out there on the battlefield against Goliath, and somehow I end up beneath his sword, I went after the giant. There’s a step of faith where I’m going in it and I’m going to fight. Even if it kills me, you’re going to know I was there. And the Word of God is still true in spite of the circumstances, regardless of what I’m seeing in the physical realm. There is something that is higher than my perspective. There’s something that is higher than my emotions. There is something that is higher than that which I feel.
Speaker 5 (00:39:17) – There is something that is higher than that which I am experiencing. And that is the name of Jesus and the Word of God. And that is truth beyond my experience. And that’s when we go back to the Scripture, you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free. We can’t exhibit faith as long as we are resolved in what the truth is. We can’t, the truth can’t free us if we question the truth. But if we’re going to walk in the fullness of faith, we have to recognize and acknowledge there is one source of truth. The source of truth is the Word of God.
Speaker 6 (00:39:49) – It is the Son of God.
Speaker 5 (00:39:51) – It is the blood of Jesus, and everything else must bow its knee. And when I go to cast out that demon and it doesn’t come out, it’s not because Jesus hasn’t provided for me.
Speaker 3 (00:40:00) – Because there’s something that I don’t understand and if I have to die before I understand it, I will not turn my back on the truth.
Speaker 2 (00:40:08) – Whoo! Whoo!
Speaker 3 (00:40:11) – Holy moly!
Speaker 2 (00:40:14) – Now it’s so…
Speaker 3 (00:40:15) – There’s…
Speaker 2 (00:40:16) – Whoo!
Speaker 4 (00:40:17) – You guys have to take a bite.
Speaker 3 (00:40:19) – Just a piece of the flavor that Erin is dropping because you are literally like cooking with so many ingredients connected to what I think is plaguing the body of Christ. And I’m going to say that from a physical perspective. I’m going to say that from a mental perspective. I’m going to say that from a spiritual perspective, emotional, relational. Insert your ailment or the area in which God has redeemed you because you can now look back with fresh eyes to say how good and sovereign he’s been.
Speaker 4 (00:40:48) – But you’re still dealing with something. And everyone is still dealing with something. My grandpa is on essentially his deathbed in the hospital right now. And he just went back into the hospital yesterday. He’s got fluid buildup. All these things. He’s 93 years old. And I think about the longevity of his life. And I think about the 30 plus great grandchildren that he’s had the opportunity to hold and meet. I think about Abraham and his descendants. I think about legacy.
Speaker 4 (00:41:17) – I think about the richness of the life that he’s not only experienced but laid witness to with the joy of all the people around him. He doesn’t know Christ. He doesn’t know him. And my whole being was just in tension this morning as I was asking my community to come and pray with me alongside his belief, his knowing, his encounter with the Lord in the hospital through a doctor, through a nurse. Through an angelic experience, through a vision, through a dream. I don’t care how he comes to know the Lord. I just want him to spend eternity with my father.
Speaker 4 (00:41:52) – Because his father, his fleshly father died when he was like 15 years old. And I just asked him last weekend, actually my son asked him, what was the saddest thing that ever happened to you? And that was his answer. He said, losing my dad. And I thought, oh my gosh, he missed it. He had an opportunity to walk hand in hand with Abba Father here on earth as it is in heaven every single minute of every single day, every high, every low. And he didn’t have that joy. But it’s not over.
Speaker 4 (00:42:21) – Because if the truth will set you free, it can set you free instantaneously. And so I want us to partner with people. The people who don’t have that element of faith. The people who can’t see with their eyes and therefore they can’t see anything. They’re not seeing the fullness of what’s like blessing around them every single day.
Speaker 2 (00:42:46) – Okay, so this is kind of weird to be promoting a podcast on a podcast. And it’s not my podcast. And it’s not a friend’s podcast, though you are my friend. It’s your podcast. You want a slot, right? You want to be heard. You want to amplify your voice. Because you too have an incredible message to share with the world. This is the coolest part. It is with the world. It’s with the nations. And that’s exactly what we’re told to do. Go and tell. Go and make Disciples of Nations. And podcasting is a way to do that.
Speaker 2 (00:43:19) – So if you are ready to finally press play on this idea, the best way to do it, instead of chasing down the YouTube degree that you can surely get on these areas. Or chasing down all the podcasters that you know and piecemealing your own way through. Is to come to a two and a half day experience. A retreat actually with our Fit Media team. Who has been doing this for quite a while. Five years in fact. And we’ve launched over 40 podcasts at this point. And it’s pretty dynamic. The methodology in which we’ve cracked the code around.
Speaker 2 (00:43:52) – To allow you to not only come just with an idea, but to leave with a fully equipped, fully available. Yes, it’s live and in action with two and a half days podcast that the whole world has access to. We’re going to do recording. We’re going to do photo shoot for your cover. We’re going to create designs and media. We’re going to talk about how do you use this in your business strategy. I mean the list goes on. And you will not be left alone afterwards because you get access to a full portal of teaching around it.
Speaker 2 (00:44:24) – For any of the additional questions that you need. So you need to get your butt in the seat. All right, really get your booty into the experience and go to the website. Check out and apply. All the things that you need are there. It’s going to be March 16th through the 18th, 2023. So it’s coming up quick and we cannot wait to welcome you there. It’ll be in Virginia Beach, Virginia. And that’s my hometown. That’s a lot of our team’s hometown. And so we’re excited to welcome you here.
Speaker 2 (00:44:50) – Our home flights and accommodations are not included, but everything else is 100% taken care of. And you’re going to have more than your fair share of ROI on this dynamic experience. I can assure you and you can check out the reviews to prove it. Anyway, love you guys. Thanks for tuning in to the Fit and Faith podcast. I can’t wait to hear what your title is going to be.
Speaker 4 (00:45:12) – As you sit in this physical ailment currently, trying to figure it out for yourself, what are some scriptures or some elements of hope? Is it just the knowing? It’s just the know that I know that I know that I am meant to be healed. I am going to stand in the will of God and God’s will will be done for you. How do you infuse and ignite that fire for other people to also stand and partner with you in the fullness of what God wants for them?
Speaker 6 (00:45:42) – It’s a good question.
Speaker 5 (00:45:43) – I think it’s a loaded question and it may be more than what we’ve got time to talk about, but I think where it starts is knowing the truth. What I would suggest and what I have actually begun to implement myself again just recently, you know what to do and you don’t do it type of a thing. We have more information at our fingertips than any generation has ever had since the history of the world.
Speaker 6 (00:46:13) – You could look up scriptures on healing. You could look up scriptures on deliverance.
Speaker 5 (00:46:21) – You can look up scriptures on a lot of different things. I heard a pastor say the other day, I was listening to him speak and he was talking about how he’d never seen anybody raised from the dead, but he intended to raise the dead.
Speaker 6 (00:46:32) – He said, so what I did, I went and looked on wine and I got all of the scriptures about raising the dead and I prayed and I prayed and I focused on those scriptures and I kept reciting those scriptures and I memorized.
Speaker 5 (00:46:43) – He says, and then I visualized and this to me was where it got profound.
Speaker 6 (00:46:47) – This is where it gets into quantum.
Speaker 5 (00:46:50) – I began to visualize myself.
Speaker 6 (00:46:53) – He said, when I would read the story about Elijah praying for the son that had died and he stretched himself out upon the child and he said, and he went for me. I pictured myself stretching myself out upon that child and breathing life into it. He said, I pictured it. He said, and then a few years later, I was in a position after after focusing on and meditating and dreaming about doing these things. I was placed in a position where I prayed for somebody who was dead and they came back to life right in front of the sheriff.
Speaker 6 (00:47:23) – And he went on to say that he raised his own wife and his own son from the dead at different points in their lives. So it’s very, very almost an abstract thought to what we’re talking about. But the point was he found the scriptures that related to what he was dealing with. He meditated on them to the point where they were in his heart and then he visualized himself walking out. So I spoke with a healing evangelist in Quantum Christianity, actually shared the story, but he was, I said, why do you pray for people?
Speaker 5 (00:47:56) – 80% of them get healed.
Speaker 6 (00:47:57) – And I prayed for people and I ain’t seen people die. And he said, well, Aaron, he goes, I’m not sure what to tell you exactly.
Speaker 5 (00:48:03) – He goes, but I think that maybe one thing might be your no line. He said, you probably say no or you draw a line in the sand of where you’re not willing to go before I will because I’ve experienced more than you have. And so in essence, I’m stepping into faith, maybe at a deeper level than you would be because you’re telling God, no, you’re not willing to do that in order to see something happen.
Speaker 6 (00:48:25) – He says, but two, he said, healing is all I focus on.
Speaker 5 (00:48:28) – He says, I’m a healing evangelist.
Speaker 6 (00:48:29) – I’m not a pastor. I don’t go from I don’t I’m not concerned about the finances of the church. I’m not concerned about this. I’m not concerned about that.
Speaker 5 (00:48:36) – He goes, all I do is I pray about healing. I visualize the people, visualize again. I visualize the people that I’m going to be ministering to in the next place that I go to. I ask the Holy Spirit to share with me things that that they’re going to be dealing with. I visualize myself praying for them and I see them healed before I ever prayed for them.
Speaker 6 (00:48:55) – Now, the point the point being is the visualization. It’s the focus. It’s the truth.
Speaker 5 (00:49:00) – You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
Speaker 6 (00:49:03) – If you don’t know the truth, you’re not going to experience the freedom. But we have the access to the truth is at our fingertips. Now, it may not be in our heart yet, but the word can still be in our mind. It can still be in our soul. We can still place it there and we can meditate on it until it becomes a part of our spirit, man, until it becomes a part of us. We continue to focus on the truth and it’s the truth that provides the freedom. Eventually, you’ll step into faith if you don’t waver in your in your pursuit of the truth.
Speaker 6 (00:49:34) – The problem is, Tamara, what most people do is they treat it. I mean, you’re into fitness.
Speaker 5 (00:49:41) – You know all about fitness.
Speaker 6 (00:49:43) – I mean, my gosh, if I tried to spend the time on the bike that you spend, I mean, you come in and do these podcast things that you’re doing and stuff on a bicycle. I mean, if I couldn’t even breathe to share the words that you’re going to share, whole sermons and thoughts and everything else. But here’s the thing, Tamara. If I said I’m going to do what Tamara is doing and I hopped on a bicycle tomorrow.
Speaker 6 (00:50:03) – And I and I started biking and I turned my computer on and I started sharing a sermon and I realized five minutes into it that I’m not going to make it to 50 minutes. And then but that was my mark and I had it in my head. This is the way it’s going to be. I just started today.
Speaker 5 (00:50:18) – You didn’t get there overnight. You didn’t get there tomorrow. It took time. Well, the thing is it takes time a lot of time. Times to have that truth take root in our hearts. But we compare our experience to everybody else’s highlight reel. And we think that it’s supposed to happen overnight and it’s not. Our momentary experience, it comes, you know, nobody is an overnight success. It takes time. And even in the Word of God, it takes time to build faith. And it takes tenacity.
Speaker 5 (00:50:46) – And sometimes somebody else is a little bit more sometimes things just don’t happen the way that we want them to do. And we have to decide that we’re not willing to compromise the truth just because our experience didn’t meet our expectation and we’re frustrated. That’s the hard truth of the matter is that we have to know the truth.
Speaker 6 (00:51:02) – And the only way we’re going to know it is to expose ourselves to it and to meditate on it before we ever experience.
Speaker 1 (00:51:09) – I think that’s like the joy of it for me. It’s like the seeking and the curiosity and the play and the creativity that we get to explore with Christ.
Speaker 4 (00:51:18) – And he’s so multifaceted. His character is so big. His bigness is so big that even when you come to the revelation of one thing and you secure. I remember like putting stakes in the ground in this podcast this day yesterday. It’s going to be one of those stakes for me is you secure your faith on those things.
Speaker 1 (00:51:39) – It’s like I’ll give you a visual example because I like them. It’s like when you’re climbing a mountain and I don’t even know what they’re called, but the hook ins. Right?
Speaker 4 (00:51:47) – When you get to that one place and you put your carabiner in that place, you’re never going to fall beyond that safety. And so I think about like securing your faith and claiming staking in the ground those elements of I know that I know that I know. And then I’m going to work a little harder. And it’s not by the works, but it’s by the processing with Christ and the going the distance.
Speaker 1 (00:52:12) – Right?
Speaker 4 (00:52:12) – Like year by year, day by day, experiencing the presence of the Lord. And then you reveal something new. And in that newness, it makes me realize that it’s like the maturation.
Speaker 1 (00:52:22) – Right?
Speaker 4 (00:52:23) – He’s act asking us to release flesh and come higher in spirit. And that’s where the stake happens. Release flesh, go higher in spirit, release flesh, go higher in spirit. And that’s where the knowing him, the ganosh, the like full knowing.
Speaker 1 (00:52:37) – Right?
Speaker 4 (00:52:37) – And like the experiencing of the relational aspect of Christ that allows him to reveal himself because we’ve actually put our attention towards him versus putting our attention on the flesh, which is easy to do, especially when there’s a problem, especially a physical problem. It’s easy to point all of our attention to the physical problem and forget about the presence of the Lord.
Speaker 6 (00:52:57) – Yeah. And you know, and in fairness, it’s hard to see anything beyond your pain. So if you’ve ever heard badly enough, it’s really, really hard to see anything beyond pain in a moment. I believe that that’s also where the body of Christ comes in because we need people to be able to stand in faith for us.
Speaker 6 (00:53:20) – I believe that’s why the Bible says to call forth the elders of the church and to anoint the sick to pray, pray the prayer of the sick and the prayer faithful, save the sick, the Lord will raise them up, anoint them with oil because you’ve got people who have been there that have experienced difficult times. Maybe in that moment, they’re not hurting and you are so they can extend their faith in that moment towards. I think that’s what we saw whenever you prayed for that young lady whose voice wasn’t working.
Speaker 5 (00:53:44) – Like literally she had no voice. She couldn’t talk.
Speaker 6 (00:53:47) – And a few days later, as a matter of fact, it surprised me. I didn’t recognize her because I saw her a few weeks later and she says, Remember me? I’m like, I’m sorry, I don’t.
Speaker 7 (00:53:56) – I didn’t make the connection because she had a voice.
Speaker 5 (00:53:58) – Wow. And so when I made the connection, I was like, Oh my goodness, you’re the one that we prayed for. She’s like, Yes, and I’m coming to church here now. But the thing is, she was in a place where maybe her faith was rocked. Maybe she was really in a lot of pain and she needed people to stand with her and to tell her what the truth is in spite of the pain, to remind her of the truth of God’s word, and then to be the hands and feet of Jesus, the anointing of Jesus.
Speaker 5 (00:54:27) – And stepping out, bringing heaven into her health and seeing the miracle take place because she wasn’t in a place in that moment where she was going to be able to do it for herself. That’s where we as the body of Christ come in and we need to join arm to arm.
Speaker 7 (00:54:43) – This is where one sets a thousand to plate, but two 10,000.
Speaker 5 (00:54:46) – This is where the body of Christ, whenever my shoulders got an itch, thank God my shoulder doesn’t have to scratch itself. It doesn’t work that way. But my hand can take an itch to my shoulder.
Speaker 7 (00:54:56) – That’s the way that we work as the body of Christ. When there’s something that’s out of alignment, the other pieces pick up the slack and we fix what’s broken.
Speaker 6 (00:55:05) – And I believe that that’s what we’re called to do as the body of Christ is to carry the spirit of God, the anointing of God that breaks the yoke of bondage in people’s lives. And to see that freedom manifested in people’s lives according to God’s will and His word, because we know what the truth is. We know His will. We know His word. We know what it is.
Speaker 7 (00:55:23) – We don’t have to question it because it says it in His word. So now we just have to find out why it’s not happening the way that it’s supposed to when it doesn’t.
Speaker 1 (00:55:33) – Good night. And I think connected to that, it’s like the transparency of the body of Christ, right?
Speaker 4 (00:55:39) – If the elbow doesn’t know that the shoulder or the fingers or the hand, if we don’t know, we can’t give it the leverage that it needs. We can’t give it the comfort. We can’t give it the stability that it needs. And that’s where when people talk about vulnerability and authenticity and it’s become this popularized buzzword of like, oh, let’s be vulnerable. It’s not to be vulnerable for vulnerability’s sake.
Speaker 4 (00:56:02) – It’s to be vulnerable so you can be whole, so you can be healed, so that the body of Christ can activate and create that crutch, create that sling, create that opportunity for you to become well. And I see this in our space, specifically in like the coaching wellness industry so much is that people just want to like popularize the symptoms so that everybody hangs out in this victim symptom hood. It’s like really sad. Like we’re all dealing with anxiety, so let’s have a focus group. Okay, we’re all dealing with depression.
Speaker 4 (00:56:33) – And that is not equipping the, allowing the body to be what it’s meant to be. It’s not equipping one another. It’s just settling. It’s settling in the victim hood. And so it’s us really recognizing that we have to allow each other to symbiotically hold space and to be honest and hold integrity in those spaces connected to the truth. Because if you’re just in a focus group or you’re just hanging out with a broken body or even inside of a broken church system because you’re all like kind of just sad together, that is not helping anyone.
Speaker 4 (00:57:09) – And it’s not equipping the church in the way that it needs to be. And so this is one of the reasons I was so excited to have you on here is because you have a depth of knowledge that people in the church and not even of the church need because healing is a call.
Speaker 4 (00:57:25) – It’s why like when I think about like my empathy towards brokenness, towards people who are hurting and they don’t even know Christ, I’m like, I want you to know Jesus, but I want you to like experience just a taste of freedom, a taste of wholeness, which is why I went on the journey that I did writing the book. And so I think about the traumas, I think about the childhood experiences.
Speaker 4 (00:57:47) – I mean, we haven’t even tapped the surface of the connectivity of our bond, but I know that we have stewarded our time so beautifully here because of the brokenness that people are experiencing and the healing that they’re desiring. And so I thank you, I thank you so much for your wisdom. I want you to share any like final notes or thought patterns that you’re having or spirit leaping that you might be experiencing so that we can close this out with a bang.
Speaker 6 (00:58:15) – The thing that really is just kind of resonating with me and I would hope that your listeners are, their faith is being ignited because what you need to realize is that Jesus accomplished a whole lot more for you than you’re experiencing. He accomplished a whole lot more for me than what I’m experiencing and I’m not willing to sell his sacrifice short in my experience. I just, if he paid a great price for it, I want it. I want everything that God has for me.
Speaker 6 (00:58:49) – And if his promises are yes and amen, according to his words, and here’s another agreement thing, this is back to the visualization. The Bible says that the promises of God are yes and to which we speak the amen. Or in other words, we say, so be it. We place our agreement and our faith in the Word of God for our circumstances. I made a statement earlier and I’m going to say it again. You know, there was a years ago, there was a thing in the faith movement where they would, you know, somebody would say, well, you know, are you sick? I’m not sick.
Speaker 6 (00:59:21) – I don’t have any symptoms. I’m the healed of the Lord. Well, I understand the stand that you’re taking it, but to deny the symptom is not rational. When I said something earlier, that’s the, this was the precursor for that. I don’t deny the symptom. I deny that it’s right. I deny that it has the right to be here. I deny that it has the right above the blood of Jesus to be manifesting in the way that it is. And so pointing back the compass back true north, the true north is the Word of God.
Speaker 7 (00:59:56) – It is what the truth of our lives.
Speaker 6 (01:00:00) – It needs to be grounded in the Word of God. And I don’t want to have to say the same things over and over again and belabor the time. But ladies and gentlemen, as you’re listening to this broadcast, watching it on different social mediums, you have to become resolved. It’s the beginning of you getting to the point where you’re experiencing the freedom that you’re frustrated that you’re not experiencing. The beginning, the foundation of it is acknowledging that what you’re experiencing is not right and it does not line up with the Word of God.
Speaker 6 (01:00:30) – And the way that you know the truth is you study it out. You find out what the Word of God says and then you place your faith in the Word of God. That is the beginning of experiencing the more that you’re looking for.
Speaker 4 (01:00:43) – And the steadiness of that beginning, right? Like there’s so much security in that. And that’s what I think people are scrounging for most because a lot of the things that we’re being presented with in these physical, emotional, mental battles constantly, constantly, constantly, it’s like wavering and nothing is steady anymore. And the Word of God is so steady. It’s the beginning. It’s the end. It’s the Alpha. It’s the Omega. It’s steadfast. It’s never changing. It’s the best-selling book of all time, if you just want to hear from that.
Speaker 8 (01:01:14) – It has roots for a reason.
Speaker 4 (01:01:17) – And ultimately, that roots are to keep you and to keep you in that space of full healing. And so I’m just praying that over you, brother, over your physical ailment, whatever that is. Like we are coming in connection in this moment in the blood of Jesus for full healing, full restoration and full operation of any of those areas in your body because it’s Jesus’s will. And we say together, yes and amen.
Speaker 2 (01:01:43) – Thank you so much, Aaron.
Speaker 4 (01:01:45) – I love you. I could have probably 10 more of these and we could just have our own show because you’ve got so much goodness. Y’all have to get your hands on all of his resources, all of his books. You don’t have a podcast, do you? You need the Tattoo Preacher podcast.
Speaker 6 (01:01:59) – What are you waiting for? I quit doing it. I’ve been blogging quite a bit. I do most of my stuff through my social networks. So if you follow me at Tattoo Preacher, everything is Tattoo Preacher. Good.
Speaker 4 (01:02:13) – Your blog is so good. Y’all, I got to read it just the other day and I didn’t even know we had it. I’m like, oh yes, another resource. Thank you, Jesus. Make sure you tap into it. I think a lot of times we can get inundated with information, but information isn’t always truth. And that goes back to exactly what you were sharing. And he shares the truth. He walks in the truth. And I’m so appreciative to call you friend.
Speaker 6 (01:02:35) – I love you, Tamara. Thank you… show today and appreciate y’all for tuning in.
Speaker 4 (01:02:40) – Tattoo Preacher, let’s go.
Speaker 2 (01:02:46) – Hey, y’all. It’s me again. Before you go, let’s solidify the flame that was ignited within you today by sharing the spark with your own community. Whether it’s mentally, physically, emotionally, relationally or spiritually, I would love for you to take the step right now by declaring your takeaway. Snap a pic of the episode and share it on your stories or posts and you can tag me and the guests and we will surely feature you on our Insta. Hey, you might even unlock a new accountability buddy in me or them.
Speaker 2 (01:03:14) – We’re totally in this together and we appreciate the extra step taken. I would be so grateful if you even took the extra step. Come on, give me that extra size and leave a review on iTunes for the podcast listening app that is of your choice. I’m going to be featuring your thoughts in fact and this will be so fun in upcoming episodes so you’ll not only hear your name on the show but maybe even your passion project or whatever big shout out you want me to make.
Speaker 2 (01:03:39) – So please, as a fellow writer, leave some words that I can attest to and I can’t wait to read what you have to say. Thanks again for being a loyal listener and I hope to meet you in person soon at one of the events that we are speaking at or hosting and I say we because the Fit and Faith team could not do this without you. Until next time, blessings over your joy, health, wealth and wholeness. This is the Fit and Faith way.
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