In this thought-provoking episode of The Messenger Movement Podcast, host Tamra Andress sits down with Cynthia Garrett, author of “The Naked Truth: Reclaiming Sexual Freedom in a Culture of Lies.” Together, they delve into the pervasive cultural deceptions about sex and sexuality, and why a ‘purity revolution’ is crucial for reclaiming a biblical identity.
Cynthia shares her personal journey of overcoming cultural lies and the importance of abstinence before marriage. They explore the grooming effect of media, the need for open conversations within the church, and how to guide the next generation in understanding sexuality through a godly lens.
Cynthia offers insights on breaking soul ties, renewing the mind, and developing a genuine relationship with Christ. The discussion also touches on gender identity, mental health, and finding true empowerment not through cultural narratives, but within God’s design and purpose. Join the conversation and be inspired to unplug from the matrix of lies and embrace a life of true sexual freedom and empowerment.
CYNTHIA GARRETT broke barriers when she became the first African American woman in the U.S. to host a network late-night show, NBC’s Later with Cynthia Garrett. She can be seen on TBN, Salem Media networks, and is often seen on Fox News and other news outlets addressing cultural issues and today’s news.
The Cynthia Garrett Podcast premieres weekly on all major podcast platforms. A highly sought-after speaker, author, TV host, and ordained minister, Garrett is the author of I Choose Victory: Moving from Victim to Victor (2020), Prodigal Daughter: A Journey Home to Identity (2016), and The Naked Truth: Reclaiming Sexual Freedom in a Culture of Lies (2024).
For more info visit
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Girls Gone Holy
In a world where messages about sex and sexuality are often distorted by media and cultural narratives, the concept of sexual purity can feel both outdated and daunting. However, in the latest episode of The Messenger Movement Podcast, Cynthia Garrett offers a refreshing and empowering perspective on sexual purity, drawing from her new book, “The Naked Truth: Reclaiming Sexual Freedom in a Culture of Lies.” Hosted by Tamra Andress, the episode explores the profound impact of cultural myths on our understanding of sexuality and the urgent need for a ‘purity revolution.’
Cynthia Garrett begins by addressing the pervasive cultural lies about sex that have been perpetuated by media, entertainment, and even political narratives. She shares how shows like “Sex and the City” shaped unhealthy views on sex and dating for an entire generation, grooming them into accepting distorted notions of sexuality. Cynthia emphasizes the importance of recognizing these cultural deceptions and choosing to “take the red pill”—a metaphor for unplugging from the matrix of lies.
Central to Cynthia’s message is the idea of reclaiming sexual freedom through purity and abstinence. She shares her personal journey of realizing the value of abstaining from sex before marriage and how it aligns with biblical truth. This commitment to purity is not about repression but about empowerment—choosing to honor one’s body and spirit as sacred and worthy of respect. Cynthia’s story is a testament to the freedom and authenticity that come from living in alignment with God’s design for sexuality.
A significant part of the conversation revolves around the concept of soul ties—emotional and spiritual bonds formed through past sexual relationships. Cynthia discusses the importance of breaking these ties to achieve true freedom and intimacy. By renewing the mind in Christ and being real with oneself and God, individuals can heal from past experiences and transform their thinking about sex and relationships.
The episode also touches on sensitive topics such as gender identity and mental health. Cynthia and Tamra discuss the importance of having open conversations, especially within the church, to guide people—particularly children—toward a godly understanding of sexuality. By fostering an environment of honesty and support, the church can play a crucial role in addressing the mental health crisis and helping individuals navigate their identities in a healthy, constructive way.
Cynthia Garrett concludes with a powerful call to action, inviting listeners to join the ‘purity revolution.’ This movement is about reclaiming one’s sexual freedom and identity in Christ, challenging the false empowerment narratives propagated by popular culture. True empowerment, Cynthia argues, is found in living according to God’s design and purpose, embracing the truth of who we are as children of God.
In a culture that often distorts sexuality, the message of sexual purity offers a path to true freedom and empowerment. Through her conversation with Tamra Andress, Cynthia Garrett provides valuable insights into how we can unplug from cultural lies and embrace a life of authenticity and purpose. By renewing our minds, breaking past soul ties, and fostering open, honest conversations, we can reclaim our identities and live fully in the freedom that comes from aligning with biblical truth.This episode of The Messenger Movement Podcast is a must-listen for anyone seeking to understand and embrace the true meaning of sexual purity and empowerment in today’s world. Tune in to be inspired and challenged to join the purity revolution.